Family Promise of Kandiyohi County relies on your support to allow us to provide shelter and services to the homeless.
There are many ways to donate best suited to your personal preference including Financial gifts, time, talent, and household resources.
Financial gifts. Mail to: Family Promise of Kandiyohi County 312 6th St SW Willmar, MN 56201
Online Donation
Use the box below to give online by setting up a reoccurring gift or for a one time gift.
Your time and talent.
Gently used items such as furniture, toys, clothing, and household supplies. Please contact us about our guests needs before dropping items off as we have limited storage available.
Financial Gifts
Family Promise could not serve homeless families without the incredible services provided by partner congregations and volunteers. However, even with congregations’ in-kind donations and volunteer hours, we still must raise funds to operate a Day Center that is open seven days a week, maintain our agency van, and provide family support through the talents of our staff Financial gifts are always needed, welcomed, and appreciated!
We are always looking for folks to volunteer to watch the Day Center over the weekends. Sat AM (9:00-1:00), Sat afternoons(1:00-5:00), and Sunday afternoons(1:00-5:00). Thank you for learning about Family Promise of Kandiyohi County!